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Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

Andrew MurrayAuthor of over 200 books and tracts, Andrew Murray was a pastor, teacher and missionary from South Africa. He was an advocate and pioneer of higher Christian education for girls, and recognized internationally as an authority on prayer.  His passion for education caused him to found several institutions, including the Bible and Prayer Union and the Huguenot Seminary. He was also the first president of the YMCA.  Although he died in 1917, he left behind a rich legacy. In The Secret Place With God From Daily in His Presence But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6 Christ longed for His disciples to know God as their Father and have fellowship with Him within the secret place.  In His own life, Jesus considered such communion with His Father to be indispensable and found in it great happiness.  Thus He longs that we should understand that we cannot be dedicated disciples without daily communion with the Father who eagerly waits for us in secret. God hides Himself from the world and all that is of the world.  He desires to draw us away from the world and our self-absorption.  He offers us the wonder of an intimate relationship with Him. If only God’s children would take the privilege to heart! Believers of the Old Testament enjoyed this experience.  David often wrote poetry and sang of the Lord being a secret place of refuge for him.  How much more should Christians in the New Covenant value this intimate relationship with their Father.  We need to commune with our heavenly Father regularly, day by day, that our spiritual life might be restored and renewed.

Ecclesia College
9653 Nations Drive Springdale, AR 72762