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Intro to Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Online

Course Information and Policies

Course Purpose:

Intro to Microsoft Office Professional 2010 (CSCI 1355) requires students to examine the basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher, and One Note. The course will help students become more proficient in the skills required to perform daily office tasks, both administrative and creative.

Textbook Information:

The book and software listed below are required for this class. The book is available at www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com. The software is available at the Academic Superstore online, as well as the Microsoft online store.  When choosing a shipping method, keep in mind your class start date.

Shoup. Teach Yourself Visually Office 2010, Visual, 2010. (ISBN 10: 0470571934; ISBN 13: 978-0470571934)

Microsoft Office Professional Academic Version 2010

Attendance Policy:

Please note the following guidelines regarding absenteeism:

1) Absences are neither excused nor unexcused.
2) Attendance is recorded weekly.
3) If a student is absent for two consecutive weeks, the student will receive an administrative withdrawal from the course without the possibility of a refund (see the refund policy in the Tuition and Fees page of the EC Online web section at ecollege.edu).
4) Technical difficulty is not an acceptable reason for absenteeism.
5) Attendance is established by the posting of one weekly assignment (a tutorial assignment, quiz or test).
6) An email or a “checking-in” post in the question forum does not satisfy the weekly attendance requirement.
7) Students will be notified via email regarding their absentee status.

Grading Policy:

Your final grade for the course will be determined by how well you have done with tutorial assignments, weekly quizzes, and the final test. Reading assignments are not graded, but the quizzes, tutorials and final will cover the material from them. Therefore, it will be necessary to read and comprehend all assigned material and perform each assigned tutorial.

Grades for weekly quizzes and the course final will be seen immediately after you are finished taking them. Grades for Tutorials will be posted by Wednesday of each week following the Saturday due date.

The following scale is used to determine letter grades:

90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

The following points are attributed to each assignment:

Assignments Points Possible Total Points
Weekly Tutorials 20 (24) 480
Weekly Quizzes 40 (7) 280
Final Test 100 100
Extra Credit 40 (1) 40
Total Points Possible 900

Extra Credit:

An extra credit offer will be made available to the entire class through a course announcement and will contain a specific due date.


Incompletes are rarely granted. The student who petitions for an incomplete grade must first establish that his or her work is incomplete for good cause (lengthy illness, death in the family, serious accident, etc.), and the student must have a passing score at the time of submitting the petition. A “Petition for an Incomplete Grade” must be submitted via email no later than the first day of the sixth week of the eight-week course and must contain supporting documents in the form of attachments. Illness should be supported by a physician’s note. Only those absences that occurred because of an emergency situation can apply toward consideration of receiving an incomplete grade for any class.

Late Work Policy:

Please note the following guidelines regarding late assignments:

1) All assignments are due by Saturday at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) unless otherwise noted in the syllabus or in the content of the weekly assignment.
2) All late assignments incur a deduction in points.
3) A ten percent deduction in points is assigned for each day the assignment is late.
4) Late assignments are not accepted after Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) following the initial due date.

Best Advice:

Become familiar with the course syllabus and policies! Read all course announcements which will be posted on the course page in Moodle! Check your email often! Read assignments carefully! Pay close attention to due dates! Ask lots of questions! If you are unable to navigate the Moodle platform or if you do not understand an assignment, please email your instructor with questions until your understanding is clear. We are happy to help you!

Ecclesia College
9653 Nations Drive Springdale, AR 72762